APA (All Public Art) is present as a link between three areas with enormous potential. namely art, blockchain and market participants themselves. Three fields require a touch in technological development. because the growing growth and development of the field also requires touch technology that can add value to the market. All art in general must have a market where artists market their work. WHAT are the opportunities, along with the changing economic climate and blockchain technology that is currently in vogue? which can contribute to the success especially in the art world market. An art market sales report collected by TEFAF in 2017 announced that global art sales in 2016 were up 1.7 percent, or about $ 45 billion. and the auction house are the biggest contributors to the sale. but the latest information from TEFAF there is a shift. where the biggest contributor to the auction house moved to the private sector, either to private sellers or to dealers. Many global economic factors influence the absorption capacity of the technology. for example, America, which has the largest art market, based on value. rising stock markets and rising house prices. as well as the unemployment rate have an impact on the purchasing power of someone in the art field. in 2017 alone. International Monetary Fund (IMF) increased US GDP growth to 2.3% in 2017 and 2.5% in 2018, due to the positive potential and resilience of the art market.
With our AllPublicArt tokens and API creation, we use new, practical and effective ways to trade art and track the history of artwork. Public Art's entire blockchain technology will minimize counterfeit artifacts, increase confidence in the art market, enhance art trade services and enhance the economic and social benefits of the global art scene.

The blockchain technology offers enormous potential and is in line with the art market as it enables peer-to-peer offerings for artists, sellers, collectors and consumers alike. while offering their sales transparently. This directly minimizes counterfeit artworks and price manipulation on the market. because it was the auction house to coordinate its sales. by giving the auction house a series of commissions. But with the All Public Art platform, we no longer have to pay commissions on the intermediaries involved in this transaction. and TEAM APA confidently offers the opportunity to be part of the All Public Art. By leveraging the benefits of Blockchain technology as an innovation in the art market service that desperately needs something innovative and exciting.
APA uses Blockchain as a regulator in their project using a technology called Regtech. The application of this technology includes testing, compliance and monitoring of conventional markets. With the use of blockchain as an art market trading watchdog is expected to ensure the validity of a transaction while ensuring that the ownership of artwork and the artist's identity is accurate.

AllPublicArt sales token (APA)
IF YOU PARTICIPATE The Heart To sell your tokens will then receive all public art stamps. We only accept payment through Ethereal.
The AllPublicArt Token is made in sales, which is NOT more than 400,000,000 OR values totaling $ 20,000,000 (token sales stamp).
Pre-sale phase sign
The Pre-Sales Stage The singer will take place from 15 January 2018 to 21 January 2018. The purpose of Singer's stage is to review Momentum's sales by creating the Hearts Time character, and for review
Promote investment in the early stages. Bonuses are given depending on the period of contribution.
For a participatory singer's examination, a minimum contribution of 35 ETHICS is required unless you are a registered artist.
Minimum contributions and DISORDER bonuses are:
Contribution of at least 15% of ETH value for artist's 25% bonus rating.
Minimum contribution 10.5 k $ worth 25% ETH Bonus.
Minimum contribution of 30k $ ETH is 30%.
The minimum donation is a $ 150k bonus worth 35%.
Minimum contribution of 300k $ ETH bonus 45% worth.
One can not buy more than 25,000,000 all public art stamps, or the equivalent of $ 1,250,000 USD from ET. WHAT MUST BUY A token with a maximum amount of $ 1.25 million
ETH (ethereal).
Present Artist: NO MINIMUM DEMAND WHEN AN ARTIST ARE PROVIDED AND ENTER REQUIREMENTS PT White is a Visual Artist, registered in all public art and has artwork and those registered on the site get a 20% bonus with a minimum contribution of 0.5 ETH.
Token sales phase
Signal Sales Stage will take place from 23 January 2018 to 18 February 2018. The earliest participants receive bonus points for verification. Rewards will be shown to them because they MORE PT KARYA CIPTA PUTRA Become a Sales Start. The faster you join, the more bonus you get the greater.
DISORDER Sales of ADA under the husband:
The first week with a bonus of 20%
The second week with a bonus of 15%
The third week with a bonus of 10%
Week Four with bonus 0%
Like the pre-sale phase, you can NOT buy more than 25,000,000 common art stamps, which is equivalent to $ 1,250,000 USD from ET. BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE TOP WITH US $ 1.25 M ETTH (Ethereal) Max.
Track data and reduce risk
We create new ways to pursue artwork while acting to minimize counterfeiting and build trust in the art market. Blockchain's technology infrastructure is the perfect solution for art trading, as it is safe and reliable because every transaction in the block is peer-to-peer that can be reviewed.
Connection via smartphone
All General Arts invests all of its capital to provide an efficient and convenient platform that can be accessed globally and will soon work on mobile devices. By offering platforms for the art market through smartphones, All Art General can extend the reach of collector and artist connections as they interact in our global network.
Art trade worldwide
The combination of art sector and cryptographic infrastructure provides room for business process optimization. It also provides more transparent and efficient functions in the global art market. The introduction of blockchain technology into the art market is linked to cost reductions because intermediary commissions no longer have to be paid.
Strength of smart contract
Smart Contracts is a blockchain based program that is inherently superior to traditional contract law because of transparency, which adds trust and security to the art trade process. Smart Contracts will reduce transaction costs and expensive commissions for intermediaries that are typically associated with art sales.
Intermediate Price Manipulation Deletion
Prior to the launch of All Public Art, all agreements between artists and collectors had to be made through intermediaries. The value of art in the market can be severely affected by price manipulation, collusion, and illegal bribery. The artists and buyers will not know otherwise when intermediaries need to change the price, but with the transparency of the All Public Art platform, buyers can communicate directly with artists about the price of artwork.
- Support artists, art collectors and art dealers.
- Reduce fake art in the market through modern identification methods and blocking tracking technology;
- Facilitate transparent transactions and publicity between artists and art collectors through blockchain technology;
- Improve the quality of trading process by eliminating the role of intermediaries;
- Using new and exciting technology to help artists;
- Connect the global community of people who love art.
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Los Angeles, CA 90017
Locale: (213) 283-2498
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